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Supporting Blue Transformation

Indonesia - Aquaculture Improvement Project Model

As part of our on-going collaboration with Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and YSAI (Yayasan Sinergi Akuakultur Indonesia) to pilot the ASC Aquaculture Improvement Project model, ThinkAqua CEO Anton Immink joined a lesson learning visit to farms in East Java. Roy van Daatselaar and Duangchai (PLA) Paungkaew from ASC saw progress on farms connected to shrimp packers PT Sekar Bumi, Tbk. and BMI, as well as a farm supported through the improvement process by tech company JALA. Farms use the structure of the ASC Shrimp Standard to frame an Improvement Plan over a period up to three years. YSAI works with the farms to move forward consistently through each part of the standard in preparation for potential certification. ThinkAqua leads on knowledge exchange, based on our experience in other improvement projects.

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